
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

When I take this selection of components and turn them into a cluster, there is no output. I'm assuming this means that some of these components are not supposed to be clustered or there is a bug and they should be allowed to cluster.


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Everything should be clusterable so this must be a bug.


I'm going to work on clusters primarily for 0.8.0012 (or anyway the next significant release) so hopefully it won't take too long for this to get solved.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I have the same problem.


Rhino v4, Vista 64-bit

I have frequently had trouble clustering while retaining connection to other components. It always works if I connect the "cluster input" and "cluster output" arrows and leave no connected component deselected when clustering. (And works properly on your example file.)
I can verify that I have the same behavior as Andrew.  In order to make sure everything works, I have to use the Input Output arrows.  This is a bit nasty since I essentially have to copy the code I want to cluster, do the Input/Output business, cluster, and the connect inputs to the cluster.  Not so workFLOW friendly, but it does work.
Yep this works, but there is still one quirk. After clustering there is a wire back to the origin of the canvas, after disconnecting it's normal so not a problem, but does this happen for you?
Yeah there is always a wire for each input connected to the upper-left-most corner, which is bizarre, but doesn't seem to cause any problem. To quickly fix it I cut and paste it from the document - bringing it back without any such connection.






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