
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all,


i try to setup an expression like this: (Attach File)

if a < 500 then b, and if a between 500 and 600 then c, and if a>600 then d .


but i don't know the syntax which can handle this.


hope you can help me.


Views: 2436


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If(A < 500, b, If(A > 600, d, c))


It's not very clean, but for a three-way split it's not too bad. This expression works as follows:


If(A < 500, b, If(A > 600, d, c))


If A is larger than 600, then the result of the bold part is equal to d, otherwise the result is equal to c. Let's call this result c|d, meaning it's either c or d, depending on the value of A. We can now rewrite the original expression and simplify it:


If(A < 500, b, c|d)


This is just a single If...Then construction where the Then part is the already partially solved result.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

In the original post, "if a between 500 and 600 then c",  I can't decide if that should be taken as 'inclusive', ie. 500<=a<=600, or 'exclusive', ie. 500<a<600, of the end points.  I'm tending to think it generally means exclusive but the more I think about the less clear it becomes. 





that works fine :)

@chris: thx for the definition, i will try it also.







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