
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am new to VB, but I've been using rhino and grasshopper for a while. I often have a specific action, or set of actions, I would like to perform in VBScript that I know how to do manually. My question is:

What is the best approach to mimicking familiar rhino commands in VB?
This is more a question about workflow than about any specific command.

I am aware that I could simply make macros for many commands, but they are inadequate and would often require baking and then bringing geometry back into grasshopper, making for a clunky script.

If you were to make a command similiar to a familiar Rhino command in VB, where would you look first to find the appropriate operations and syntax? the Rhino VB SDK help file? The rhino sdk website? Somewhere else?

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VB and C# components in GH enables you to access the VB.NET Rhino SDK. It does not give direct access to Rhino commands. that is said, a good portion of the functionality performed by Rhino commands can be simulated, with some work, using the SDK.

So, depending on what you want to do, it might be possible to achieve what you are after using classes member functions or On or RhUtil functions. I would check DotNet SDK and also try to use GH components when possible.

Another thing to try is RhinoScript. It does give you access to Rhino commands as well as good deal of the SDK.
Thanks Rajaa.





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