
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

sorry for what i suspect it a really dumb question, but i'm going to ask it anyway. also not sure if this is the best place to post it...
in order to start scripting in grasshopper i've downloaded the SDK and i think i've followed all installation instructions correctly, but RhinoDotNetDocs.chm displays only an index of classes and methods - no further descriptions display on the right side of the window. each item in the tree has a question mark for an icon.
am i missing some super basic step, or is this just how it is?
thanks for any super-basic help

Views: 705

Replies to This Discussion

Hi A M,

that doesn't sound correct. You should see something like this:

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
exactly, that's what i thought. now on to finding out what's going haywire. many thanks.
thanks for the reply david. i got it to work by dropping the chm file into a firefox or IE window and saving it in a new location, but it seems i have to do that every time i try to double-click to open it. not sure what i'm missing but as long as it kinda works that'll be all right for now.
Try placing the chm into a local location on your computer, possibly on the partition where your OS is installed.

If you open them from a network location, this is what you get:

This is primarily because .chm files are branded as harmful by windows, and network locations are flagged as unsafe.
many thanks - that was the issue exactly. problem solved!
Hi Guys,
It still doesn't work for me...
I tried placing the CHM a bit everywhere and open it from these new locations and i still get the screen that Suryansh posted as print screen...
Any idea why?
Many thanks,





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