
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello there. I know I've posted this question before, but I dont understand why the sort list component is not working properly. I have a series of circles (typical attractor point pattern) but I need to know my minimum and maximum radius. When I connect the sort component it gives me random numbers that I dont understand.

Any ideas

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Plug the numbers you used for your circle radius into the list component "K" input.

Don't plug your circles directly into the Sort Component. The Sort component will not automatically extract the Radius numbers information. Unfortunately I do not know what exactly those numbers are that it is extracting, id be interested to know what part of the geometry of the circles it is reading.
When you plug a circle (or any curve for that matter) into a Number parameter, it will use the length of the curve.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Plugin the numbers used for the circle radius solved the problem. Thank you Theunis du Toit. And David thank you for your answer it clarifies a lot how the sort component works
To expand a bit on the sort component because I think it becomes critical at some point or another. (Maybe you know this already!)

I also struggled a bit with this component until someone explained it to me. So I will try my best as well. As you know the "K" input to "L" output merely sorts Number information in GH. But the real handiness of this component is the Sorting of Objects in a list in the order in which you would like. For example if you would have liked to sort those circles according to their distance from a point, like circle closest to point first in the list and so on,

then you would plug the list of object (circles) into the "A" input.

Then use "distance" component to measure all the distances from that point to all the circles and then feed those distance (Numbers) into the "K" input and your "A" OUTPUT will then be the list of circles in the order of their distances from a point.

The image is a simple illustration. What seems to be the case about the Sort component is that the input numbers to guide the sorting of the objects must originally be connected to those objects somehow. So taking a distance from the objects and so on. I don't think you can just make a random set of numbers for the input to sort objects.
Ok I think I get the picture. Thank you VERY MUCH its clear now.

Thanks David.






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