
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Help:Density of Random Points on Surface Defined by Attractor Points

I have been working on a definition to create a random distribution of points on a non-planar surface whose distance from one another is defined by distance from an attractor point.  Essentially I am looking to populate the surface with random points in a gradually varying density.  

I got as far as creating the random points and filtering out those that were too close to one another based on a single minimum distance input, but I got stuck when it came to making that distance input a function of the distance from an attractor point.  

After some searching on here I came across a VB script that did more or less what I need, except its restricted to the x,y plane.  

If anyone can offer some advice or help on either creating the definition from scratch, or tweaking the VB script so that it maps points on a given surface, it would be much appreciated.

I am attaching the definition I managed to come up with as well as the VB script I found on these forums (credit to David Rutten).

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probably a little late but you should give this a try:



Never too late to learn something new. Thank you, I will look into that.

Thanks for your definition - first part. This is what I was looking for. I'd like to combine the random and filtered points on a surface with a structure of mine, but hit two questions:

When I feed a trimmed surface into your definition it results in points outside the trimmed surface. The same effect than using the untrim component. See jpg. How comes? And even more import how can I solve it? Brep component as an input don't work. Do you have another idea?

Where do you get these fancy receivers from?







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