
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does anyone know if it's possible to code in express 2010? I tried doing it but vb 2010 uses .net version 4 and upon building the GH file, this doesn't seem to play well with Rhino 4. 

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


Views: 893

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It should be possible to set a VS2010 project to compile on .NET 3.5. Though I'm not sure about the Express Version.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Thank goodness.

For the express users, it's hidden under advanced compile settings
Hi Kermin,

please keep in mind that with Visual Studio 2010 and Rhino 4 you will not be able to debug (this means hit breakpoints) at the current state of things. For this you need Rhino 5, or a Visual Studio version that attaches the debugger of the .Net frameworks version 3.5 or 2.0 (2008 or 2005).

You should however be able to compile and load the add-on in Rhino 4.
This is just a small warning, but useful to know.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
How does this work? For example: I've encountered a few crashed this weak: due to an error made in the toString() method of a Type definition (I used a Double directly as a double in the context of a string instead of doing myDouble.ToString), which gave a nice error in the panel, but rhino crashed when hovering the output node of a component.

How could you debug such an error?

is it still true that you cant hit break points when using VS2010 Pro and Rhino 4? Im currently unable to debug my code and Im wondering if this is due to the above

Hi Steve,

yes, it is. Rhino 4 binds to the .Net framework 2.0 and VS 2010 uses 4.0.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe

Thanks Giulio,


sorry for not responding sooner, yes, you are 100% right, I have had to switch to Rhino 5 for development using VS2010.

When do you think Rhino 5 will be officially released? How much will it cost to upgrade from Rhino 4?




FYI - debugging is possible in Visual Studio 2010 and Rhino 4 if you have SP1 installed.  

Thanks a lot for this tip! Been looking for that for literally days! Components load fine this way. Just FYI, I've also managed to switch target framework from the Properties>Application tab  in VS Express 2010, as David specifies.






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