
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi erveyone


I am currently doing this reaction diffusion system, where I would like to output screencaps every 50 frames( i am using a timer). So my question is how do i do this in vb?? normally i would do it with a stored view in rhino and use the command "viewcapturetofile", but i cant seem to find this command in the SDK, if i where to propose the pseudo code then it would be like this:


(count is my timer value BTW)

if count mod 50 = 0 then 

dim view as rhino.storedview = my_stored_view

dim sc as rhino.screenshot = screentshoot(view)

put in specified output folder

end if


My reaction diffusion system is working, which is why i havent attached it in this post. 


Looking foreward to hear any suggestions :D


- Jens

Views: 521

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Jens,


there is no direct analogy for the ViewCaptureToXXXX commands. You can tap directly into display pipelines and render to images, but it would be much easier to just script the ViewCapturetToFile command. Be sure to prepend the hyphen so you get command line control over all settings:


-_ViewCaptureToFile "C:\frame_" & i & ".bmp" Width=1000 Height=500 DrawGrid=No DrawWorldAxes=No DrawCPlaneAxes=No Enter



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

hi David


Thank you for your quick reply,


I will try to figure it out straight away..

Hi again


Just to make sure, what you are suggesting is that I write a small macro? 


I am asking because I have never done that before and I cant seem to get the hang of it at the moment(we have a little deadline pressure, so i am a little tired). 


I will continue to see whether or not i can or can not figure out, because it will be very useful for the future.


- Jens

Hi Jens,


I meant you should write a small script that internally writes a little macro (it would have to be a different macro each time as each image needs a unique filename). then run that macro programmatically using the RunScript function in the Rhino SDK.


I'll be happy to help you with this, but the weekly developer meeting starts in a few minutes so I'll be busy for a few hours to come.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Sounds great... 


It will give me a few hours to se if i can figure it out on my own. I will let you know how it goes, and have a good meeting:D

Hi David,


I hope it was a good meeting, I am just writing you to let you know that i figured it out, and it is brilliant. So thank you very much for your help.




hi jens,

would you mind sharing your reaction diffusion system?







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