
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

No Trim/Split Surface or Brep object with a curve in GH?

Am I missing something? This component seems foundational to me yet I cannot find something like it in GH.

Also my Booleans in GH are very unstable, is that a bug or my software? It booleans but does it booleans the wrong sections away. An Solid intersection typically leaves me with a Boolean difference or a Boolean difference does a Boolean Union, only sometimes though.

Views: 2122

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Thanks for the link. I know nothing about VB script. I copied the second script on the forum into the component and worked when I tested it on one surface. Which is very helpful indeed.

But I don't know how to list x in VB script? That is how litle I know about it! I tried a few combinations but the runtime error says x was already set a parameter.

Thanks a lot for the script though!
You have to right click on the 'x' input and activate the 'list' option. Also in the same menu there's a 'type hint' submenu, set it as 'oncurve' and set the 'y' input as 'onbrep'.
I'm trying to do this same thing but have no idea how to use VB script... how do I copy the script onto it?

The date of this thread is very, very old and many more things have been opened up in GH since then. What exactly are you trying to do?







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