
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all

I have used drag+drop in other computers with Image gallery and it works well, its my computer when I use Drag+Drop it does not work, but there is not only with this component, I can´t drag+drop a .ghx file in GH or an image or file to rhino...I don´t know if it is an error in my computer or it is posible to change it in rhino.


vista x64, rhino 4, gh 0.8.0007

Views: 3541

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Andres,


I don't know what's causing this. You mentioned it is broken in Rhino and Grasshopper? What happens when you drag a ghx file into Notepad?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Oh, and can you test what happens when you drag a component from the Grasshopper toolbar into the Rhino Notes window?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David


I send you a ghx. after drag in notepad, an image with a component drag into Rhino notes and another image showing any file who I tried to drag into Rhino, because I think it is a problem with Rhino for this reason doesn´t work in gh. I think that I will reinstall the program too. Another bug is when i go out of gh minimized it and I return to the program the canvas looks is completly black and I have to make a click to return to the normality (I don`t knonw If it is relevant).


Thanks David.


So some drag+drop works, it's just when dragging from Explorer into Rhino (and Grasshopper) that it fails. Rhino should not get in the way of a drag+drop into an Image Gallery window, but there might be something exotic going on.


I don't understand from your response whether dragging into Notepad worked, but I think it did. Which means it's not just that Drag+Drop has been disabled in Explorer.


I wrote a VB script component that displays a form on screen with some DragDrop interaction. Please open the attached file, drag a file into the window and tell me what messages there are.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


hi David

The problem is that i can't pass the limit of the window with the file... I send you a video who is very clear.The video resolution is very low but the essential is when It pass the limit of the window with the image an appears a forbiden simbol ( like the image show). For this reason Is imposible to use your component.

Tanks for your time David.


Hi Andres,


there is an explanation that would fit these symptoms exactly:


- You have UAC enabled (the default in Vista and Win7)

- Windows Explorer is run normally

- Rhino is run as administrator


It would appear that Windows does not allow dragging up the security levels, so if Rhino is running at an administrator level while Explorer is running at a user level, you can't drag+drop.


Can you confirm that Rhino is run as administrator?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


It was the ... problem ¡¡¡ It was runing like administrator and blocking Rhino.

You become a crazy man in a happy one¡¡¡¡ Thanks...







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