
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, 

I am trying to learn Grasshopper, and have a little interesting project I am working on. It is a pavilion made out of bricks. It has 3 surfaces, that are twisted, and has the same end point. 

I have worked out a grasshopper script with some help, and also inspiration here from other discussions on

The problem is that, I can't make the brick part of the script work. More specific it is the 'Center Box (Box)' parameter, that I can't figure out. It is asking for a base plane, which I'm sure I already have as an input, but it is still not working. 

I hope that someone have the time to help me out here. :)

Best Regards

Ahmed Ridha, Engineering student 

Views: 1244


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Dear Joseph, 

That is exactly the grasshopper script my project is based on, thank you for the inspiration! :)

But, still I can't get mine to work, is that something you can help with? 



I'm sorry, I'd have to review my own code and then examine yours in fine detail to see why it doesn't work...  OK, check this out.

I used 'List Item' to select just the first one of your surfaces and your code still fails.

I copied your code into the code I referenced in the other thread, plugged your surfaces into my code and it works!  I'll leave it to you to adjust the brick size and figure out why yours doesn't work.  I'm done here, have fun.  :)


Perfect, thank you very much for the help. Much appreciated :) 






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