
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


quite new to Grasshopper, and new to forums. 

I´m trying create a circle pattern where I´d array circles on y-axis and the scale of circles should reduce along axis. Also distance of circles must be able to change. 

When I have that, I´d like to take the column of circles and array it along X-axis to a certain amount and THEN jitter the arrayed columns.

Something like attached, but I´d like to have only one element and rows of circles should vary. 

Is this understandable at all? 

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and THEN jitter the arrayed columns

Not quite sure what you mean by that?  Here is a different approach to 'Jitter':


hello, and thank you! It is close, but i´d want it to jitter each column of circles along x-axis.

In a way that each column of circles would have different radii. 

Hmmm...  I flipped the array and wrote this third attempt before reading your reply.  Is this it?  The circle radii are now jittered within each column.


something like this is on my mind. This is done manually in Rhino.


Oh!  Wish you had posted that image in the first place.  You want spacing by column.  Random?  Or some jittered somehow?  Details matter.

Separate controls for columns and rows -  but not spacing by column (yet):

So...  Looking at that image, it seems that spacing is proportional to the radius domain.  As if each column is scaled separately...  You know what?  If this is your idea of fun, go for it.  I am getting bored performing GH tricks for visionaries.



Whoa, thank you very much!!! We´re getting close, the last one is 90% there. :)

The biggest and smallest circle should be defined by the domain A and B, in another words, their sizes should stay constant.

this is what we´ve got so far. Only thing missing is that the scaling of each column would start earlier (less big circles / column).

Is right?

Hello, thanks guys for your help! We´ve solved the problem internally, see attached.

How can I attach GH script to a post...? I´d like to share this with you.

Here you go.






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