
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David,


Is there a way to cancel the selection of objects in Rhino?

If not can one be introduced. If I, for example, Set Multiple Points on a Param and get to Rhino and realise I have selected the wrong param I still have to go through re-selection of the same points otherwise GH will not work as intended. If I could click Type=Point in the command line and have the option to cancel it would be great. 

e.g. Grasshopper Point type <Point> (Coordinate Point Curve Cancel):

Or some other mechanism, what say you?

Views: 340

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Another question, un-related. Is there a user accessible way to set the Tag size or is it some how related to a Rhino setting?

You mean the viewport 2D text tags? Unfortunately no. There is some buggy caching code in Rhino that means that the first character drawn at a certain size will always be drawn at that size. The bug is fixed in Rhino5 I think, so when GH abandons Rhino4 I can add that feature.


In the meantime, what I could do is something like the Point List component, which draws view-aligned 3D tags. This however is way slower than the 2D text drawing.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Where does the 2d text tag get its size from? could it be in the user document settings xml thing?

Ok, I added Text2DTagSize as an entry in the grasshopper_kernel.xml


But any existing TextTag component already stores it's own size so if you load a file with texttags before you create a new one from scratch the size will probably be overwritten.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


Hi Danny,


doesn't pressing Escape cancel the selection of objects? If a Point param has local data and you start the 'Set One Point' or 'Set Multiple Points' command, you should be able to press Escape at any time and go back to your original data.


I'm obviously confused as I don't see how any Type=XXX fits into this....



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

When I first tried pressing escape GH went into (not responding) and didn't recover, but this has just worked, thanks. With regards to the type= bit I thought cancel could be an option maybe I should have shown it like this: Point object reference (Type=point, cancel)


Thanks anyway






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