
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi People,

I have a question regarding dropping a surface using gravity and draping it on other geometry. 

Below are images trying to explain my issue, and the outcome i am after.

Image1: Upper surface to drape on geometry below.

Image 2: Image from

Can u please help out. Cheers, Jono

Views: 14896

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After playing with Kangaroo i managed to drop a mesh over the building.

But for some reason it doesnt intersect with it... it cuts right through it.

I have the same problem, the material just drops through the model...
Any idea's?

I'm pretty sure that the model needs to be a mesh to work with Kangaroo's mesh collision detection. 

hi did you find the way of doing that?

I was working on this today. See attached.


hi . I like this algorytm very much , please help me to learn more about kangaroo

. do you know any tutorial about it ?

in fact I am very confused . and I don't know how to start kangaroo

help me please

Hi everybody. I am trying to drap a surface over a sphere using kagaroo and I am having issues ussing the command collide.

I've tried with both, meshed and solid and but the drapping plane still does not intersect with my sphere I get the following error:1. Solution exception:No se puede convertir un objeto de tipo 'Kangaroo.NodeClass.KCollideMesh' al tipo 'Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_ObjectWrapper'.

Without the collision everything works ok (see image below)... any clues on why the collision is not working? I've been looking at Evan's file and it works perfectly but I still can't find a solution for my file. 



Hey guys,

I'm trying to do a drape surface over boxes in grasshopper similar to the Example by Evan C but I can't seem to get it to work. Below is an image of what I was able to do with drape command in rhino.

Any ideas?

I'm kinda new to grasshopper so there might be some really rookie mistakes.

Thanks a lot for the help







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