
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Simple Definition to Evaluate Slope of an Irregular Curve

Hi everyone,

I've made a rather simple definition to evaluate the slope of any given curve. I've compiled most of it into a cluster, so that it may be easily inserted into any existing definition without it making it much more cluttered. Perhaps I should've started with an evaluate curve or evaluate length component and calculated the slope via the tangents, but what I have now (which calculates the slope between two neighboring points) works quite well. 

There are three inputs and two outputs. The first input is the curve to be evaluated, whereas the second defines the slope ratio (for example, if you'd like to meet a 1:12 slope requirement, you'd set the number to 12) and the third defines the distance between points so that, depending on the complexity of the curve, the frequency of points can be changed. The two outputs sort the points into points at which the slope is met and at those which it is not. By clicking on one of the outputs, you can easily preview which points meet the slope requirements. 

Here is a view of the cluster which does all of the heavy lifting:

If anyone has any recommendations or suggestions for improving this definition, I'm open to any and all criticism. Otherwise, feel free to use it in your projects.

Views: 1557


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Thank you for the programming.

Can you include a function to set a lower or upper slope ratio range, so that the bad slope or good slope output points only show that range ex: only slope ratios between 1:20 and 1:25 ?

This is probably very basic and I'd like to learn from how you implement this.






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