
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey all,

I was wondering if there was a simple way to export the 3D model every time there is a slider change or if you could help me out with my fun project;

I am using a song to offset the panels of a surface as the song plays; kind of like an equalizer effect. However, I wanted to render it in a separate program otherwise I would have just animated the slider. 

Right now I have a VBmodule as a modified counter so that I don't have to move any sliders manually but I've been struggling to get it to autoBake on a separate layer when the counter moves. Or if there is a better way to go about this entire process?

Any help or wisdom is much appreciated! Thanks,


Views: 563

Replies to This Discussion

You can also sidestep the loaded Rhino document entirely and populate a File3dm instance in memory ans save it out. That's probably easiest if you want to generate a bunch of files, one for each frame of an animation.

You can later batch convert the 3dm files to other filetypes as well using a RhinoScript or command macro.

Thank you, Tom and David, for your time and reply!

I ended up moving closer to David's suggestion and used a lunchbox module to write new 3dm files upon changing in a value! I also ended up ditching the VB chunk in place of a Kangaroo Counter (which I didn't know existed and is closer to what I wanted). 

Thankfully I will be rendering in Keyshot which can read 3dm files naturally! 

Tom, if I could have a bit more of your time, I'm generally unfamiliar with Rhinocommon and am curious to learn more about how to work within it? Any suggestions or primers on that front?

Thanks again!






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