
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have created an egg shape and displayed it multiple times on a grid. I want variations of the shape to be displayed on the grid so that in the x direction variations of the shape are controlled by one of the parameters in my script and in the y direction the shape variations are controlled by another parameter in my script. The goal is to create a grid of egg shapes that are all slightly different. I know that I need to use series to do this but every time I try, the variations are crazy and don't resemble an egg at all- perhaps it is because the parameters I want to use to control the variations in the grid are too early in the script??

My script is attached. Please help!

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At first I thought your problem was simple: you did not connect the Loft control curves in the proper order. (Loft requires it's curves to be connected in proper order.) But that wasn't it.

So instead of trying to figure out why Loft didn't work I used a different method for generating your egg shapes. (Actually the look more like acorns to me.) I fixed your outline curve and then did a simple 180 degree sweep using an arc of random  radius. Note that to fix the curve I simply deleted the 4th & 6th ones - they didn't seem to add anything useful.

Thanks for the reply! However, in the picture the grid does not show any variations of the shape. Can you please send through the grasshopper file so I can have a better look at what you have done?

Sorry, there aren't any variations. I just used the curve generated by your 4 sub-curve inputs shown on the left of the top image.

Your code was too complicated for me.  Perhaps you can replace the 'Ellipse' component in this code with a cluster of code for creating your "egg shape", that uses the same inputs?

P.S.  Oops!  This isn't correct; all the rows are the same.  :(


Grafting the 'R1' input to 'Ellipse' fixes it (sorry):


That's great, thanks for your help!






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