
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey people i need you again,

i created some lines and try to get a surface out of that. 

The same think i did a few times, but this time it dosent worke.

I try it since yesterday, Am totally desperate, 

i tryed it with sort list, flip lines, flatternl. But still no result. 

Hope someone can help me.

Views: 523


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It is the point number, but how can i change that? 

Flatten the output of 'Project' in the red group:

You have a rat's nest of code there!  And it appears to work on only one part of the "stadium"?


Yes, still working on it, when everythink its done, i will do copy past for the other parts.

My first time i work with grasshopper, And extend it all the time, is it better to have multiple files?

It would be better to design the GH code to handle the entire stadium instead of so much use of copy/paste.  It will not work anyway, since you are sorting by X coordinates, which is not appropriate for all sections around the stadium.

Using 'Flatten' as I did here to fix this part of the code might not work either when multiple sections are included...  Flatten is a crude way of ignoring differences in data paths and will fail if each stadium section is treated as a branch.  If those differences are fixed earlier in the code, sorting may not be needed at all.

I started to play with the idea of handling all the stadium sections at once...  Created a cluster ('SrfSort') to sort a list of surfaces around a center point, using their 'Area C (Center)' points.  Then used 'Cull i (Cull Index)' to ignore the four roof sections without floors below them.

But ran into trouble with the deck level labeled "Fläche Decke", because the number of deck surfaces is far less than the number of roof sections.

So for now, I added 'List Item' selectors for the roof ("Fläche Dach") and "Fläche Tribüne" surfaces, i=11 to match the stadium section used previously.

Note I ignored a 'Line' created using two point parameters, 'Pt Dach L' and 'Pt Dach R', and used an edge of the surface instead (yellow group).  That edge will not be i=0 for all roof sections, though, so the correct edge must be selected somehow...  The same thing should be done with another line parameter, 'Ln Boden Stütze', that is the edge of the 'Fläche Boden' surface.  (P.S.  One of these lines could be used with 'Sort Along Curve (AlongCrv )', if sorting is necessary - though I suspect it is not.)

It looks to me, though, that if you fix your Rhino model so the number of surfaces are the same for each stadium section, this GH code can easily handle them all at once.


Wow thanks a lot that you used to make it better. I Fixed my Rhino modell, but i have to say, i have no idea what you did there :D.

It's my first time using Grasshopper and i know only the thinks i read in forums or learned by try and error. 

But i try to understand the thinks you wrote and what you did. 






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