
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody, I'm a noob user of this software, and I'm not able to find a way to just select the middle points of a division for the extrusion of a surface. It must be a very simple problem.

Is there any way to just de-select the end points of a division?

Thank you very much.

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Selection is not a thing in Grasshopper, it is not possible to have a collection of data, some items of which are considered selected and others not. Instead, you must actually remove specific unwanted items from a collection, or, alternatively, specifically extract certain wanted items.

I can't really work out from your image what's going on, but in general the two above approaches are done as follows:

  1. Removing unwanted data (or 'culling'). There are various components that cull lists of data. [Cull Pattern] needs you to specify a list of boolean values {true, true, false, true, false, ...}. Whenever a datum in your collection is matched up with a true value, it remains, whenever it lines up with a false value, it is culled. [Cull Index] instead allows you to exterminate items with pin-point precision. For example if you want to remove the first and last items of any list (no matter how long), you'd use [Cull Index] with the indices set to 0 and -1. Zero identifies the first item in a list, and minus one the last (i.e. counting backwards).
  2. Extracting wanted data. There's also various approaches here, but the simplest are [List Item] which works the same as [Cull Index] but instead of removing the specified index it will extract that index instead. If you need to copy a range of consecutive items, then [Sub List] may work better for you.

Thank you very much David for your answer,

I've got the line beetween these two points, but If I ask for the control points it takes all the points again, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.. :(

I'll try to find out a solution, thank you very much! ;)







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