
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,
I picked up many points in the Point Component, what shall I do if I want to add some other point(s) into that component? Do I have to pick all the points again?

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I asked David this question at a workshop recently. The method he was suggesting didn't work at the time which he was going to fix, which was to add a point in the Manage Point collection option and then paste the ID string into the relevant field. (I notice it's not available in the latest version.)

However in the mean time if you know the x,y,z you can add that manually but this would not be a Rhino Object. Note you can also move this point up the list if it needs to occur in a specific place. Otherwise its re-selection.
Thanks Danny for your help. However, the point component is just a case. I wish I can add anything to the selection such as geomerties. I hope David will add this "Adding Object to Selection "function in the future.





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