
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'd be extremely grateful for help.

If I understand correctly, we give two inputs:

1. List of points that have coordinates

2. Distance that checks if each point is within this distance and if yes, includes it into a group.

Thing is, whatever I type to "Distance", whether it be a single number or Domain/Range it always creates as many groups as there are points.

What should I connect to "Distance" input? I looked for answer and there is no relevant topic to this particular "Point Groups" component. There are only topics from 5 years ago when people were trying to group points by proximity with group of other components.

As you can see below, I have 6 points. Distance between each of 3 points on the right side is somewhere in between 2-3 meters. I created Domain from 0 to over 4 meters and those points are not grouped.

How can I make this component work? 

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If you can, please tell me if I understand correctly, I give an example like the one on picture above:

1. I give the distance (number sliderto extract one numebr) and group of 6 points.

2. Component finds 3 points closer than the threshold and 3 furhter

3. It forms 3 groups containing 3 points each + 3 separate groups containing 1 point each

Is that correct?

Also, how to extract one of the group?  I wanted to use Tree Item and write number of the group in index but I don't know what "path" is for.

Thanks in advance for answer,

PS: Can I ask anyone for a very simple example in gh of how this component works and showing how to extract one of the groups?

Alright, I noticed everything works. The core of my problem was that I was flattening data first, not checking how it will influence the rest.

Good Morning,

i have the same problem, but i don't understand how you solve this problem.

Can you explane your solution or can you post a picture.

I have 12 pointclouds, and these 12 clouds i want to group.

Thank you so much.







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