
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

My situation is that ultimately I need to bring these surfaces into revit as polysurfaces that are closed and clean. I'm able to import these as a massing object and change the materials in revit. I have accomplished this once with the voronoi pattern and I think its because it was a closed and clean polysurface.
The issues I'm trying to resolve in the two formulas are as follows.
  1. Voronoi pattern I would like to be able to add point attractors to the formula and at the end have a closed and clean mesh that I can convert to a polysurface using "meshtonurbs"
  2. Hexagon cells I would like to be able to have the geometry closed and clean around its edges as well... currently there are to many unresolved meshes that are hanging out of the geometry and are difficult or impossible to trim.
Once you figure out the simple surface double check to see if it would work for the complex "double curved" surface as well so I can universally apply it to any surface.
PS if you know of any other easy ways to bring these into revit PLEASE let me know.

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Firstly, your definition will generate a mesh, not a polysurface. It might be a different use of terminology, I guess.

In case you'd like to get one joined ,welded and smoothed mesh, then  have a look at the attachment.


Yes! this is perfect! Thank you So much!!!

Now... any easy way to get this into revit other than bringing It in as a massing?

What do you mean by "massing"?

Why don't you export your mesh to ACIS(.sat)or OBJ(.obj) and import it in Revit?

I get an error message that says this...

Typically I can convert the mesh to nurbs then export the object to acis. then to bring it into revit I go to massing and site... click on create mass in place and then import the CAD. I have successfully done it before but the surface were creating has a lot of faces which bogs down revit... it does import it eventually but it just takes time.

Then, have a try this.


it definitely simplified the surface which helps revit process the surface better so thank you for that... however I now get this error message






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