
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

So - I've created a GH definition which I've placed into a single cluster so I can password protect my code.

Inside of the cluster is a few user items from the 'Fab Tools' download.

If I save the cluster as a user object do the Fab Tools items get nested within it? IE If I supply the object to someone else do they need the Fab Tools items installed on their machine? Or is the code nested within the user object?



Views: 1593

Replies to This Discussion


that's indeed the reason. If you turn off the "On Wire" check on autosave preferences, the performance is back to normal.

Thanks a lot,


the c++ memory overflow is due to extensive use of UserDictionary and when baking it can crash rhino. I use C#. Unmanaged exceptions can't be avoided by C# using try, catch and therefore Rhino is crashing completely, which is quite annoying. But i found a better solution now, which i couldn't get to crash.

Regarding the performance issue see the reply to David above.

Right it's not a big deal to deliver dll/gha, but:

1.) someone has to ensure the used plugins are documented and saved to some place.

2.) Lots of people are dumb and save files after opening without having the used plugin. All connections get lost.

3.) You loose a lot of time by figuring out where to get the plugin / which version has been used in a script someone has created 2 years ago.

4.) Precompiled code does perform exactly the same speed as the one written in c# components. Runtime code in GH isn't really runtime code. It's compiled at runtime and the compiled dll is stored in your temp folder. So it may take some little more time to open a file, but that's the only downside.


Would it be possible to update a cluster using in the document when the *.ghuser file changed?





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