
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello dear community.

I am having a little trouble trying to achive this one task.

I hope you can guide me in solving my problem.

Here its a screenshot of the "group of objects" that I need to copy as 1.

So basically what I have tried to do its too things. But its not what I need. or maybe I am missing one step.

Example 1

I did use a "bounding box" to try to copy all those obejcts, as 1, into the curve. but the problem its that I cant move the objects, I only move the bounding box. and they are not perpendicular to the curve.

so here my second try.

Here I am only working with a cube, because I have no idea how to work it with the "orient" command and make it work. but

This one its better in one way because the cubes follow the curvature. I thought that maybe I could some how later make it work. but I am guessing that I need alot of help here.

can someone guide me please? thanks so much community I am really thankful.

I am here attaching the rhino file with the geometry I want to use.


Views: 1684


Replies to This Discussion

Please post your Grasshopper code next time (ALWAYS!).  Your geometry is internalized in this GH so no need for Rhino file:

P.S.  Note that 'Group' is irrelevant.


Thanks Joseph Oster for your help. Love to you my friend.

I quick question...I have been wondering for a do you internalized geometry? and I guess this is the perfect time to ask.

After connecting the Rhino geometry as usual, right click on the 'Crv' and 'Brep' param components and select "Internalize data".  Cheers






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