
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I just started using Anemone and today i encountered a problem.

Definition is simple - it iterates through random point cloud and each time it picks closest neighbor for a point to draw a polyline.

When i used 'standard' loop components everything worked fine - each point was recorded on a list and polyline was created.

When i used fast loop components something strange happened. When clicking on "FastLoopEnd" all the points are highlighted, so each point should be on a list. Instead D1 output shows a list of the same points (identical to starting one).

I attached the file.Has anyone encountered similar problem or knows what the reason might be?

Thank you for your time and help.

Views: 1715


Replies to This Discussion

I wrote a nearly identical loop recently (January 20th):

The difference is that I passed the index value to be culled instead of using the 'Item Index' component you did.  I haven't bothered to examine why 'Index' works in your normal loop but not the 'FastLoop', but the method I used works for you too:


Thanks a lot Joseph, I will check it out today :)






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