
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've had a long-standing problem when building grasshopper definitions concerning tree branches. I often have a certain value or object that I want to apply to all sub branches. It seems like it should be a simple fix, maybe a component I'm not familiar with?

I've simplified the problem to use numbers as seen below:

Basically I want to achieve the numbers in the blue box. I would like anything in {0;0} to be added to anything in {0;0:*}. Anything in {0;1} to be added to all branches starting with {0;1;*}.

I usually end up doing something really complicated with duplicating data or creating a way of using the tree branch component to get specific paths, but I always feel like there should be a simple way of accomplishing this.

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I understand your problem, I would like a smart component that understands the difference in branches automatically. Although till then this is what I do. Hope this Helps!


Mr A.

try tree sloth's "propagate ancestors" to automatically "spread" one tree out to match the structure of another.

Awesome! Thanks Andrew.


Mr A.

This is quite an elegant solution, thanks! Treesloth has some nice features, it will be very helpful.

I was hoping there would be some way of doing this without duplicating the data. It would seem to me having all that data floating around would increase processing times, maybe not so much in the case of integer addition as above, but with thousands of BREP intersections it likely would. Alas, maybe there is no way around it.






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