
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

so, I tried Jake Hebbert's tutorial:

and I would like to create curves out of the trails of the 3D points: (see image)

GH file is attached:

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What have you tried? Have you tried the interpolate curve component? Or maybe a polyline component if you are ok with straight line segments?

well if I use any kind of interpolation it just connect all of the points according to there index on the list.

I think there are to ways to do that:

1. Somehow arrange all of the points in new lists, where each list is a trail of points.

2. If you watched the video I linked:

Every time step a new list is being created. So if we can get the first item of each time step and create a new list with those items, we would have a trail of points. (don't know how to do that)

it could be possible with the data recorder.
The problem is, it keeps recording and I get duplicates...

I hope I could make myself clear...

For some reason my python interpreter isn't loading, so I can't take a look at your file.

But, in general, you can remove duplicate points within a certain tolerance with the cullDupPts component.

And if it is possible to, as you are recording the new points, put each agent on it's own tree branch, or even bake each agent to it's own layer, that would be the cleanest way to go.






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