
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello People,

im not exactly new to gh, but before i`m getting started,  i wanted to ask for some input.

I have a building(polysurface) which i dropped to a landscape (surface), what i need now, is to adjust the surrounding surface that the building fits "naturally" in it. Any suggestions or simple solutions, I`m open for everything.

For better understanding i made a short sketch.

Thanks in advance :*


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I'd start by trying to modify the control-points of the surface, though it's notoriously difficult to control exact surface positioning via control-points.


thanks a lot, i already worked a bit more on that definition, for instance im going for the fact that what happens if one had more buildings than one

i got now the buildings on the surface, but i got stuck with adjusting them in z-axis. So for istant, one building could be 10 meters below of the other but the landscape wont change confirm to that. Any more suggestions? I tried with multiplying the function, but didnt work out.


It requires a fair amount of change, since you're now adjusting the landscape to different elevations in different areas, and blending between them. So instead of just figuring out a single number that controls the target elevation, we have to for each landscape surface control point figure out where it needs to go in order to have the same elevation as the nearest building.

The attached file should do the trick though, despite being a bit messy. I'm using your building shapes as inputs, no more separate rectangles and sliders.






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