
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Attempt at Organic Coral Surface - University Project at UWE in Bristol

Hi All,

I'm fairly new to Grasshopper so bear with me.

For one of my projects, I'm trying to recreate an organic coral effect on the surface attached, using grasshopper, with the aim of making it have quite a large variation as regards to the size of the cut outs and bumpyness of the surface.

I'm aiming to offset out from the surface 25 mm thickness. So far I've only managed to use weaverbirds picture frame and some smoothing to get an effect similar but there must be a better way. The converging iso lines way not be helping?

I've attached the gh, rhino file, png and a sample of what I'm looking for.

If anyone can help that would be great.

Thanks for your time.

Best, Tom




Views: 1210

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Tom, honestly it is not that straight forward, it is quite a complex algorithm. Most likely what you are looking for is called "reaction diffusion". It is a patterning behaviour which is generating most textures and pattern in nature. Go check it out.

Hi Philipp,

Thanks for your reply, from looking at 'reaction difusion' that is the style I'm after, the algorithms do look complicated, I'll have to try and create a similar effect,a simple way I'm thinking of is image mapping a coral image and using that to make a mesh, the bump texture won't really work though...

Thanks, Tom






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