
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone.

I have a rather simple dilemma, I'm building this geometry to later analyze in Karamba, thing is in order to simplify things I'm trying to feed karamba the simplest representation of my model, In other words just straight lines that represent the segments of my structure. In order to achieve this I built a series of curves in GH with a simple geometry projected into a mesh, I'm trying to extract all the points in the intersections and connect them with simple lines so that i can canalize them in karamba but so far I've been unable to connect these points maintaining my structure pattern.
Idially the new geometry should be made out of lines interconnecting all the segments of the structure as shown in the example on the picture

I'm attaching my GH definition as well as an image representing what i want to do!
I would very much appreciate any help given

Greetings from the Netherlands!

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The orthodox way to do "relaxed" ("vault" topology so to speak) conical combos is:

1. Make a "modular" mesh that consists from cones and "bridges". Note: the more "canonical" are the "modules" ... the easier, cleaner and faster the job (in other words: avoid the garbage in garbage out rabbit hole).

2. Relax ("inflate") the mesh via Kangaroo 1/2.

3. Using classic mesh connectivity data ( vertex to vertex, vertex to edge etc etc) post process the relaxed mesh in order to achieve whatever "vertex combination" you want (like the star like combo captured).

the following images (done entirely via C# including Kangaroo 2.1.2 stuff) can give you an idea about the whole process.





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