
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm having an issue in a grasshopper I made:

Depending on how many items I select, the path length will vary and will cause a path mapper I use to not work properly. I'd rather not use simplify as sometimes I will only have an element and simplify only works with many elements.

The issue happens at an "Item" component, as "List" I have a 3 elements path list ( {a;b;c} ), as "items" I have a 4 elements path list ( {a;b;c;d} ). this is the same for both cases. If I have few BREPs selected the output of the "Item" component will be a 4 element path list {a;b;c;d), if I select a lot the output of the "item component will be a 3 element path list {a;b;c}.

I really can't see why and it's making working with that gh file quite a pain...

Here are some pictures:

1- selected a few BREPs

2- Selected a lot of BREPs

Views: 480

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Well to work around I've made a cluster that removes elements of a path that are redundant throughout a list, for example, if the first number is always the same, it's going to be removed.

Inside this component there is also a component that nulls at the end of a list if this list is not as long as desired. This is especially usefull if a tree will return some branches of 3 element and some of 4 elements, if you want to call out the 4th element (element #3), in the first branch its going to return element 0, so with this cluster, it will return a null value instead !

Here are the components if anybody needs them.


Not had a chance to look at your clusters yet but, does this work as you want it too. 

No need for path mapper. Just select Principle in the drop down on the menu, shift path then simplify 

Not tested on much else so watch out still maybe able to be broken.


Yeah that could work, but I'd have to make the offset value change depending on the path length. Which isn't too hard to make either. Also if the added path element were to be at the from this tool wouldn't work, but it's not the case here.

I'll use the cluster I made for this as I wasn't aware of the shift path tool, but I'll keep that in mind for next time !

Thanks !






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