
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

evaluate polygon edges after deconstruction problem

hi everybody,

after deconstructing a polygon into 6 edges the evaluate curve component cant find the midpoint of each edge.

would b great if someone could explain why this is happening and how to solve it.

thank you so much in advance.

Views: 1040


Replies to This Discussion

Try "reparameterize" Evalute Curve's Curve input,

thank you Hyungsoo Kim.

great, that was the solution.

i experimented a bit further with the polygon and created a shape with the networksrf component.

there were two things I noticed

1.when rotating the top polygon of the shape the surface has a gap.

would you know why this is happening.(see image below) and how to avoid it?

2.the other thing i noticed is the fact that by using the networksrf component

the corners of the created shape seems to be rounded.

how can i get sharp corners?

See the grasshopper definition below


If I were you, I wouldn't do that because that is not the appropriate way.


thank you for all your support!!!!!!

really helpful for all gh beginners.

Hyungsoo: thank you for posting your polygon_shape_re solution. Your method of inputting multiple values to the polygon object enabled me to greatly simplify and speed up a much more complicated GH layout I am working on. It is nice to discover how a simple solution can be both elegant and efficient.





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