
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

GH Family,

I've written the script attached thus far but have hit a slight roadblock. I am looking to limit the extrusion to no more than 1.5" along the vector2pt module I am working on. I remapped distances so that they all fell within the domain that I set, but for some reason all of my values still do not fall within this domain. I think this is rooted in the evaluate curve module I have used, but I am not sure...

Ideally, I just want a point to appear on the lines created between the two points that is scaled based on the mapped distance. 

If you all can share any knowledge on this, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you,


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You'd be better off using "Evalute Length" instead.

And one thing I'd like to point out is...

You have a bad habit to connect some data from one component to another through panel.

Please note that panel would convert your data to text.

Fortunately, in this case there's no problem, but it is very likely that you will be encountered with a trouble in the near future.

And you didn't internalise your curve attactor data, so I was obliged to redraw a curve to see the result.

The new curve was internalised, so, you'll know what I mean.


I have definitely seen the error of my ways. I haven't encountered the issue yet, but I can definitely see a point in which having all of those converted to text will destroy my work flow. It really does look like that one module was the root of my issue, and that evaluate length was a much better choice. 

If you have one more second to spare, what is the "normalized" input controlling? 

Also, thank you so much for taking the time to redraw the curve. I lapsed and didn't post the rhino file. But, I also did not know I could internalize data like that! 

Again, thank you so much for your help and speedy reply. It is much appreciated. Hopefully at some point I can become versed enough to help you out in return! 






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