
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am using grasshopper for yacht design. The script is making a solid from several surfaces made in Rhino. The script then makes a linesplan drawing and some calculations on the hull body.

I need some tips to get my grasshopper script faster. It now takes 'ages' for grasshopper to update when I move for example one of the curve-points in rhino as shown in the picture below. 

I used toggles and the sift function in Grasshopper to stop the data flow to certain parts of the calculation, but it seems not to speed up. See below my grasshopper panel with the toggles.


Bas Goris

Views: 2229


Replies to This Discussion

at the moment by the quick look I can tell your Boundary Volume takes up most of the time

Hi Lukasz, Thanks! How did you do that?

by adding Solid Union beforehand I've shaved 1,5s to begin with

How can I show the time usage of components?

it's in Display->Canvas Widgets->Profiler


With the profiler option (Display->Canvas Widgets->Profiler) I was able to redesign my file. It is a lot faster. See attached. Are there other possible improvements for the speed? Is programming blocks (python, C+ or VB) resulting in a faster script?



Good job! With all the toggles ON I've got 2.5sec in compare to 8sec for the original V4.

Probably you could squeeze a little bit more with Parallel using Python but not sure if it's worth the hassle with 2.5sec.

Python Parallel

See attached files for the result.


Very good! Grasshopper doesn't give me completion time it's that quick :) Well done





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