
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I got the following error testing the outdoor demo file for butterfly:

I followed the advice on and changed the container name to "of_plus_1606" in the script file based on the output of "docker ps" in docker terminal:

However, the error is still here, and I can't proceed to the rest components in the workflow...

The demo workflow can generate the "outdoor_airflow" project folder in the C:\Users\USERNAME\butterfly folder

So, I start OpenFOAM using the start_OF.bat file, and I can manually type and run the following OpenFOAM command: blockMesh, snappyHexMesh, checkMesh, manually change some of the parameters in controlDict and fvSolution.

However, I got the following error when running simpleFoam, and the calculation is aborted.

May I ask:

why the blockMesh component is not running even if I changed the container number in the as suggested?

Why the manual running of OpenFoam failed?


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This is the result of a recent change. You need to update butterfly, and try again. You need to restart Rhino and Grasshopper. In case you don't want to run the analysis again, once you update butterfly you can use the new component to load the probes using the project name.

Have updated. However the component's version figures as the 0.0.01 version still, yet the panel indicates that it is the 0.0.02.

Have retried to load those probes, and still get the same error.

1. Did you close Grasshopper and also Rhino after updating?

2. You just need to connect the name and not the full path.

Indeed I made sure to close and re-open GH and Rhino.

Though, Still an error.

Out of reply nesting.

Is it me or that file location for the probes seems off?



Theodore is right. If you're using the example file try outdoors_airflow. I should have probably named it outdoor_airflow to be grammatically correct. It's was originally

Thanks a lot for replying this quick.

Yet another error.
Sorry if i am not so experimented with development in order solve this myself.
Kind regards,

We're getting closer! This looks like a real bug this time.

Can you upload the file. It should be at "C:\Users\olivierdamborn\butterfly\indoor_temperature\postProcessing\probes\0\p"

I guess the default separator on your machine is different. Are you running Windows on a mac?

Sorry that it didn't work as expected. We will get this fixed!

I am running on Windows 10 using Parallels Desktop, on which I have found my way to install Dockers and OF.
Seems that it could work properly bug by bug.

Thanks for supporting.
Please find the file attached.

Hi Olivier,

That was a bug which is fixed now. If you update butterfly again you should be able to read the results to Grasshopper.

The results of your analysis doesn't look right. What is the Rhino units in your model. I guess you're using millimeters and not meters? Right now butterfly assumes that the units are set in meters. We should add unit conversation to butterfly.

Hi Mostapha,

Thank you for the update.

I have updated and rerun the simulation after having purged and verified that my rhino is in Meters.

I now see the mesh, however the results are as you say. Also I couldn't see the U values.
Please find the screen which depicts it.

Hi mostapha (I didn't want to start a new butterfly thread)

I get this error after running the case:

I updated butterfly as you wrote before

there are values for P but not for U

*edit: just noticed it is the same error olivier gets. 








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