
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi,I tried to build one of these typical organic structures based on a 3d voronoi diagram. Similar to that.

I wanted to use another approach that I found, and where I already had a question, so this is a kind of follow-up question to this post (Trouble with Meshes).

As a MWE, I built a 3D voronoi from 2 points, and tried to adapt the "scale->ConMesh->wbThicken" approach from above, but the result is not satisfying at all, and the Catmull-Clark component is not working neither (see first screenshot).

How could I achieve a similar result as for the voronoi sphere (second picture)?

Any help is very much appreciated :)

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Are you after somthing like this? "Meshedit" &"Weaverbird" plugins needed.


Yes! That looks really great!

I just have one unregnized object, I think it is the last component in your file, not sure if it is very important. The message I get when opening the file is "Object: Custom Preview Materials, Plug-in: Human, Verion 1.1.0, Author: Andrew Heumann".

Anyways, big thanks once again!

I tried to work with it a bit further, and came to the point where I could not succeed. I tried to remove one strut. Would you know a convenient way to do that?

Here is the file, how I tried it, but there are these little holes in the mesh, how could they get repaired?


It depends on your brep faces.


Ok, I understand that. This is a much cleaner approach than my idea. But what I don't understand (or can't manage to achieve) is how to get to that Brep.The output of the voronoi component are 2 closed breps, and even "join Brep" doesn't do anything, so I'm a bit puzzled there.

Another simple and powerful option is using "T-Spline", But it's not free.






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