
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all.

Could it be an idea to color the geometry preview of each component by setting a color value on the component directly?

See attached mockup: 

Views: 2796


Replies to This Discussion

It would be, but it'll have to wait until GH2 as it would be too much feature creep for GH1.

In fact the plan is to allow both for per-component overrides of preview properties and per data overrides. Since each data item can be associated with meta data (in GH2, note, not GH1) things like "Preview=blue" can be added to the metadata dictionary and the relevant geometry will then be displayed in blue.

Another possible way to affect preview display based on meta data would be to map meta data entries to a gradient or palette. For example some objects could be associated with "Cost=35.5" or "Cost=845.69", and those numbers can then be used to preview these objects in different ways. Such a preview override would most likely be a document setting.


in the meantime u could use something like this.
It is a tool to watch the color of the group containing 'this' component.
Its some kind of workaround to make the preview more informative.

(category:Extra / subcategory:GroupColorWatcher)

In the source u can also find a base-component-class to create components wich uses the group's color to color up the preview...

greets mark





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