
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone! I'm sorry to bother all of you with my noob problems again. I tried to leran as much as i can from the previous discussions on the same matter, but if they sure helps i still didn't get them to work.

So, i have an untrimmed surface that i want to unroll. I wasn't sure that it was developable so i used contour to find a number of edges that i could use to loft, i even tried to select each curve and make all the lof "manually" and then join togher, but when i unroll, it generates a separate list of untrimmed surface (which is good) but overllaping each other.

Now, i reassamble it in rhino, but i'm trying to do a definition that works just in GH.
And i'm pretty sure i'm making some rookie mistake and there is an easy way to do it properly.

Hope you can help me! I need to close this thesis work T.T

ps: in the script i'm usig GeoGym (or AntBull) to unroll


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In my opinion, you are on the right track and it may not be able to perfectly unroll doubly curved surface, but you can get a decent approximation by segmentation.

Also you can modify your definition parametrically and more simply.

You'll need "TTToolbox" plug-in's "Unfold" component. Best.


Thank you!!! I already have the toolbox plugin and this works much better, more near the actual shape of the surface.
I'm still looking for a solution that doesn't require work in rhino: if the problem is the doubly curved surface, do you think is possible to approximate it to a developable surface?

I basically need it for the upper of shoe, so in the end i just need the boundary and a similar area, the material itself will do the rest.

ps: this really is more easy to parametrize, thanks thanks thanks *_*

Have a look at here.

a surface with "zero gaussian curvature" is the key.

Yes, i see what you are saying. I will try to find some way! Thanks a lot for your help!

Yes, i see what you are saying. I will try to find some way! Thanks a lot for your help!






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