
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


i've a problem sweeping along 2 rails. It should look like this:It works in rhino, but I've to add a lot of slashes. But i need to change the track maybe,

so i tried it in grasshopper. But every time i try to sweep2, there is an error: 1. Sweep could not be created.

I know i've to evaluate the curves, but i don't know how. i used google, but i didn't find a solution.

I would be really happy, if someone can help me or sent me the gh file.

Thank you!

Views: 1285


Replies to This Discussion

Please help :)

For one thing, the start/end points of your two curves are nowhere near each other.  I used the 'Seam' component to move the start/end of one curve to the 'Curve Closest Point (Crv CP)' of the other curve, then created a line between the two points to act as the section curve.  'Sweep2' works but the results are not great:

Using 'Loft' between the two curves looks better?

Both curves are internalized in the GH file, no need for the Rhino file.


Thank you very much! But there is still the problem. The sweep or the loft has to be between the two curves. like a road. i think I've to evaluate the curves, split them in equal segments and sweep them, but i don't know how. Any ideas?

And thank you for your efforts!





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