
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

can someone PLEASE help me out here on how to start doing the Louis Vuitton Shenzen building in China on GRASSHOPPER? I have tried so many tutorial and nothing got me to the final result. 

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Create a grid of squares, split the grid into 'black' and 'white' squares using the [Split Tree] component, assign a variable scaling factor to the collection of white squares, scale each square from its centre, finally use Region Union to get rid of the overlaps.

Thank you for your reply. 

I started as the screenshot, is it correct or shall I start it all over again? 

Like so maybe?


Thanks a lot yes it is so similar, but the berp is not working. i want to put the patterns on the two facades. 

Hi Farah: why don't you take the information David provided, alter it, and make it work for you.

Have a look at what I added to David's starting script

1. I changed the orientation of the original plane
2. rotated it 90 degrees and gave it some thickness
3. your job now is it to add the other two faces, then add an interior glass skin for the building :)



Thanks Kim, it finally worked :) 





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