
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm trying to simply extract iso-curves from a trimmed surface. However, I can't seem to have control over the limits for the UV point(s) of extraction.

I get that 0 is the first limit, but when I iterate with a number slider, it seems like the other edge of the trimmed surface is somewhere around UV-point e.g. 13,9 instead of just (1,1). (The iso-curve can hopefully be seen as the red lines on the green surface.

How do I extract the UV-value(s) needed to extract iso-curves at the very boarder?

Mostly i might use this max-value to create a domain from what to extract the iso-curves.

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[Dimensions] component, but you'll need to multiply their values by a number between 0 and 1, so you can tackle reparametricing the surface (right click on the surface parameter of isocurve - reparameterize), and use the normalized coordinates.





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