
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Help, Independent curves to behave like elastic bands

Hi all,

I am trying to have independent curves that are anchored inside a bounding box to behave like rubber bands.

They are forming grids of 7*7, anchored on each face of the cube and when I move the faces I would like them to start behaving as elastic bands that are anchored at their nodes and start to stretch like elastic bands.

The importand thing here I think is that the curves are independent. That we would mean that it is still acts as mesh relaxation or is it something else?

Please, is it possible to help me?

I am attaching the definition.



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Well ... I would strongly suggest the approach as exposed in this def attached.

PS: done with code since spaghetti is not my forte ... but I could consider translating it to components if this is what you want (but ... hmm ... never trust a Greek, he he).

Notify if you fancy Space Morph LOL transformations (like Flow, freaky Maelstrom etc etc - only doable via code, mind)

best, Lord of Darkness

Oops the known Forum issue again: impossible to attach anything.

I'll try later

Second time lucky?


MotoGP (Le Mans) qualifying is a bit boring (nobody killed - yet), thus get the trad update (WHEN I can attach something, that is)

Hi Perer!

Thanks for the fast response. Unfortunately not quite what I was looking for:(

I will try to restate my peoblem, I think I wasn't clear enough, haha!


1. A cube (bounding box) with removable panels. Every panel is 180mm8180mm.

2. On every panel there is a grid of 7*7 points. On these points there is an elastic string anchored that connects the opposite faces of the cube.

3. When the panels of the cube (bounding box) move they deform the elastic strings with them. So, in essence, there is not a dube in the grid, the cube IS the grid.

4. I would like the strings to have physical properties, (kangaroo?) and not be mathematically calculated.

I am attaching a photo of what a mean, that might help?



Well ... appears that you can't attach anything (join the club).

Evolution of species suspended until some photo(s) appear to clarify the chaos.



1. You have a one dimension grid (square or not) with some points. A DataTree, that is.

2. Then these are oriented (Plane to Plane trans == what the Orient component does) according 6 suitably defined planes in such a way that make a cube (case square) or a box. A Data three with 2 dimensions: {x;y} x: the side or the cube/box and y the "row".

Now comes the pain:

3. What means move? (where? maybe to Alaska?). WHAT means opposite faces? each point is connected to the corresponding one on the opposite face? Provide more sketches/images/smoke signs/something. And if so ... well... what's the purpose of all that? (sounds paranoid to me: are you some juggler preparing the next trick?)

4. Since the behavior of an elastic band (or spring or even a sardine) can easily being described by maths ... I barely can see what Daniel has to do with all that.

Luckily for you my dear master, I have a screenshot of the physical model the student did. It's not really my project; I am trying to help, but it's kind of out my league!.

What you see, is a physical model of the bounding box, with the student moving the panelsand the strings stretching accordingly.

Does this help?



Luckily for you my dear master, I have a screenshot of the physical model the student did. It's not really my project; I am trying to help, but it's kind of out my league!.

What you see, is a physical model of the bounding box, with the student moving the panelsand the strings stretching accordingly.

Does this help?




My dear Watson

This is rather elementary.

But ... er ... hmm ...  what is the scope of that freaky combo? Answers to: The Lord, District 9, Apartment 666, North Polei.

More after the MotoGP race > forza(?) Valentino (but omens are against us, unless it rains).

In the mean time get the off-topic update (of the of--topic answer to some question that nobody asked).

BTW: Do you think that you know what a DataTree is? If yes > answer to that simple puzzle: If we have G girls that wear a necklace made of SA sardines that have SQ squamas ... by what DataTree can we describe this freaky situation?

best, Lord of Darkness


Unfortunately the greatest ever (N46, what else?) the hero of all heroes got the ugly part of the stick and finished second a year (and a half) behind Jorge.

I'm completely demoralized (Seppuku is seriously considered, mind) and I can't think a thing (or two).

Psychotherapy scheduled > if/when it works(?) > you'll get that #$#@%$ def. 






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