
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

If data tree yields weird results go to sleep when you wake up remember to cross reference stuff inside each list because curve/curve is not curves/curves intersection. God damn two days to realise this :D. Oh and does anyone know how could I have quadtree to match up when I run it with different patterns of points?(I mean a set distance between each division that repeats no matter the pattern without affecting the leaf(division?) order/count and not inserting new leafs where original pattern has none. Simple point grid messes with a lot of stuff that I have mentioned(Maybe some sort of point grid that runs outside the desired area? so it constrains the divisions, and I would later remove it? 

Anyway how you guys doing? After these crazy few weeks in which I have learned most of my grasshopper knowledge you guys are becoming the only social aspect of my life. So I think it's time for us to get to know each other, knowing that we got a long road ahead of us grasshoppering together. 

I'll start...

My name is Jonas, and I have been using grasshopper for 4 weeks now...

Hey Jonas..

^we can relate to the opening 

When I am gone, get all the autosave files off my hard drive and continue where I have left off. kek.

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"Since Gala – she who sweetens the life of the painter and who is our reality – is always here, and without whom so much natural magic included in the treatise might have made us merit the rigors of the Holy Inquisition, after due prayers, I shall now without further prayer unveil Secret Number 50, which I promised you at the beginning of my clear and brief prologue and which should indeed have been the primordial and the first secret of this book. Secret number 50 is this: that when you have learned to draw and to paint without mistakes, when you know how to distinguish the sympathies and the antipathies of natural things with your own eyes, when you have become a master in the art of washing and when by your own resources you are able to draw an ant with the reflections corresponding to each one of its minute legs, when you know how to practice habitually your slumber with a key and the so hypnotic one of the three sea perch eyes, when you have become a master in the resurrection of the lost images of your adolescence, thanks to the natural magic of the retrospective use of your araneariums, when you have possessed the mystery and the most hidden virtues belonging to each of the colors and their relations to one another, when you have become a master in blending, when your science of drawing and of perspective has attained the plenitude of that of the master of the Renaissance, when your pictures are painted with the golden wasp media which were then as yet unknown, when you know how to handle your golden section and your mathematical aspirations with the very lightness of your thought, and when you possess the most complete collection of the most unique curves, thanks to the Dalian method of the instantaneous molding in dazzlingly white and perfect pentagons of plaster, etc. etc. etc., nothing of all of this will yet be of much avail! For the last secret of this book is that before all else it is absolutely necessary that at the moment when you sit down before your easel to paint your picture, your “painter’s hand” be guided by an angel." – Salvador Dali (50 Secrets Of Magic Craftsmanship, 1948)

This reminded me of when I was thinking about how we perceive the physical world uniquely from one another depending on concepts that we form through learning. Sort of going back in memory to the first days of architecture degree, when so much information is fired at you and your bland world becomes so rich in color and you start to notice things in everyday life that seemed just as a one dimensional concept in your peripheral vision. Makes me wonder if I would have been a rat participating in a race without the life choice of architecture.

Oh andddd uhmm :D  How did LSD affect your perception of physical world/architecture through newly formed concepts? Deadlines are just over the hill. After them I think I finally might be ready to explore deeper sides of conciousness. Weed out any of negative pre conceptions that I have left, some of them were formed by a recent heartbreak. Venture into a new chapter!






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