
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Go home quadtree you are drunk. This guy disobeys my house tree rules...

So I might just be lashing out on quadtree because of my misunderstanding of datastructure once again. So I have points in 0;0 xN 0;1 xN and so on and planes in 0;0 N=1 0;1 N=1 and so same data structure difference is that its a list of points running against a single plane. But quadtree says f**k it imaaaa doooo maaaah tiiing and spits out all the curves with no data structure. I think its time we ring the grasshopper popo on this guy... haaaalp!

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You can do the following




Just found the same solution on an older post, but what would happen if I have planes not only on the z axis? This would not work right? Or could I just plug all the x y z? I don't think it would be that easy it never is :D. 

you could use plane fit component to your initial points, and test the distances of the resulting planes against the area center of the quad tree polylines. the ones with distance ~0 from each plane belong together.



Sorry, which component do I use to test the distance? 

plane closest point

Missing something obvious here? The only thing I could think of is to somehow get 9 lists of same curves...wait do I just graft it?

Edit: nope that doesn't work, match tree maybe?


oh god they dont align by 0.0004 

So plugin the plane that i get from points back into quadtree to align them together seemed to work buuuuut, the numbers don't add up at the end still. Less resulting 0 distances than there is centroids?... Yeah 3 planes are still not aligning


please study data trees and the forum.

you will find all the answers you need.

the distances are not 0 due to the rounding of floating numbers. in such cases you use similarity component and not equality.

there are many methods to sort these curves in a tree. unfortunately its too late here for me to suggest something else.

ps try not to work so far from 0,0,0. this introduces problems in rhino.





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