
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Rotate Circle perpendicular to a curve while maintaining radius and center point

I am attempting to rotate a group of circles so that they are perpendicular to a rhino based curve. I need them to maintain the same center points and radius though. I have attached a file for reference. any help would be greatly appreciated!

Views: 1050


Replies to This Discussion

Looks like a LOT of extraneous bits in that code!  The essence of what you're asking is handled by the components below the purple group in the image below:


Thanks for the reply. And I am pretty new to GH so I am sure my code isn't as clean as it could be! But this isn't really what I am looking for. I want the center points (and radius) of the circles to match the ones I have earlier in the script (the ones in the image below). Basically the circles need to stay in the same spot to rotate to be perpendicular to the curve.






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