
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Halo forrum,

I want to deform a curve from rhino vertically by graphmapper (parabolic shape) in GH. The problem is that the endpositions of the curve are not allowd to be moved. now i'm stuck....Can somebody help me please?


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well, various approaches, split the curve into N segments, take the endpoints, remove duplicate points, move all points except first and last, then reconstruct the curve through the points. should work

Hi Mark,
And where does the graph mapper comes in? I want to change the parabolic shape of the curve with graph mapper.

I'am new in GH. So could you give me some more explanation please?

I only wanted to play with the curvature to see wich forms are posible... So with mark's help I came up with this...see files...


Thank u, yes I see it, and you are right about bad curvature... but i think it also depends on the purpose of the curve.. 

I really like the fact that I will get a smooth curve with the exact endpoints (your script). What I like about graph mapper is that it has many capabilities to deform a curve.. (see my previous files).. is there a way to combine these two? 

your script rotates the curve, but does not manipulate the curvature... am I right?

Thanks, I'm going to experiment with this...






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