
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I' from Alias studio and I just switch to Rhino GH.


I'm looking to use a feature like stretch cure from Alias ( see example of the 2nd curve I modify in the video)


Basically what I'm trying to do is stretching my curve and keeping the proportion.


Someone can give advice?

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Hi Peter,

Thanks a lot

I'm using the Mac version.

When I open your files on Windows I don't get any errors message.


Do you know if we can simply your node or maybe another way to stretch the curve so I can run it on Mac?


I'm trying to stay as much as possible on the Mac version. Of course if not possible I can switch on the windows version.



Mac eh?  Why? I have no idea about Mac matters I'm afraid.

BTW: what means "simply your node" ? If you mean simplify the code  ... it wouldn't make any difference: if 1 line of code doesn't run this also applies for 1M lines of code.

BTW: are you in the automotive market sector? (Alias: A class surfaces and the likes)

BTW: Mac aside ... these are just oversimplified (and a bit naive) demos with regard these 3 Morphs. If you have some specific procedure/requirement in mind for defining the 3 Stretch points (start, end, endTarget) let me know. Or you require some info about tangents or some kind of result "validation" checks or ... anything.

Hi Peter,

I choose the mac version, because I working most of the time on a Mac. But, I have access to a PC

I'm not working on automotive industry but on product industry.


I mean by "simply your node":

I was thinking using some simple features, which can be in the Mac Version.

I may need to have the curve tangent to on other curve, but just on one side.

Tks Davoud






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