
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I'm quite new with GH and trying to use a command that is there in Rhino that is Circule tangent from three curves ( perhaps it does not have that name as I'm using it in Spanish ).

I've found the component CircleTTT but that needs the definition of the circle center point and that is quite difficult for me to determine,,, but rhino does it automatically,,, see the image attached. In rhino I just have to click on the three curves and thast's all, rhino calculates where the center of the circule is and creates it.

How could I calculate that ? is there any other component that makes exactly what the rhino's tool does ?.

Perhaps there's an obvious answer to this, but as I said I'm nor an expert in GH neither in rhino, so any help will be very much appreciated.



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Hi Joan,

Try this, its the simplest way I can think of, I have not been able to break with a few tests but the maybe exception to the rule so check its works for your circles each time.


Hi Matt,

Thanks so much for your promt reply.

your idea is great but does not work in my definition.

I'm sending hereattached my definition along with a rhino file of what I'm trying to do,,, perhaps I'm doing something wrong,,,,

Any sugestion  will be appreciated.




Hi Joan,

Hope this works better, Edited the code logic a little and  I also added and Entwine so you can make the circles on both sides at the same time.



Hi Matt,

I'm trying now to complicate things out of all of this,,,, as I need now to make two different little circles instead of just one in between the two big ones.

I've been swiming in the forum and found a possible solution, and I add it on the bottom part of the deffinition here attached. That solution makes a bound box to find the exact point of the center of the circle. I create a line in between the two big circules and now I'm trying to split the curves to create a polilyne and apply that bounding box solution,,, but I'm unable to split the curves to create that polyline as I did in the rhino file on the right hand side. 

Perhaps I'm hitting my head with this way and there's another different way to get it.

Any suggestion ?

thanks in advance,








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