
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have been trying to simulate this algorithm , but i'am unable to reach similar results .

Anyone can help?

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BTW: If this (Dijkstra routing on Points + Adjacency Matrices) is what you want I can do it for you (for any N of points) but the code is classified as internal (sorry about that). You must provide either points + the matrix or a graph (and the matrix is made by calculating cost per cell as the pt to connected pt distance).

Thanks a lot peter , i saw your reply on another similar post today , and yeah that's similar for what i'am trying to make , anyway ... i will provide them to you by today , but can you show me an example for the matrix ? is it like the picture attached below?


Given a collection of nodes (and some connections => in total: a graph) the adjacency Matrix is a way to tell us the cost for "going" from node x to node y.  Usually when there's no connection the entry is 0 (not INF). Matrix can be symmetrical or not (meaning that x>y connection is not the same as the y>x).

Routing means: for a given node find ALL the "shortest" (i.e. with the min cost) paths from any other node to that node.

As I understand you are after AEC matters: meaning that nodes are some centroids of spaces and connections are their relation - thus a Matrix (or a double [,] or a "square" Tree) can describe the whole combo - like the one that you've provided.

But ...

1.The topology of the nodes SUPPOSEDLY complies with some cluster analysis: i.e. "groups" of the "most related" points either in flat mode (K-Means for instance) or hard HAC. Floors et all mean (in GH speech): some DataTree instead of a List (for K-Means).

2.Filling a Matrix without persistent data management (= only doable with code) is rather out of question in real-life.   

Again my apologies for the internal nature of the code ... but I do hope that you understand what this means in real-life ("same" class of importance like packing pieces of facades, solving complex trusses, highly nested block structures ... etc etc).

And here's an adj Matrix for very few (random) flat points with random connections.

BTW: Since building the adj Matrix is not that easy and IF the cost - in your case - is the pt to pt distance (is it?) > just provide a graph (points + lines connecting some of them) or  vertically/horizontally arranged Lists (i.e. Tree) of graphs and in a split second the Matrix and the solution could be ready (by "split second" I mean for some "reasonable" amount of points: less than, say, 10K or so).






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