
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Mesh Collapsing in on itself and moving anchoring points in Kangaroo


I am currently trying to model hanging fabric using Grasshopper and Kangaroo. Currently I have been able to create anchor points out of the mesh by importing them from rhino and I am able to move them as the kangaroo simulation is running however when I reset the toggle it seems to forget which points I moved (illustrated in the attached image) Although I can create multiple anchor points when I move them too close together the mesh collapses in on itself and doesn't act as a fabric would.

My end goal is to create a model with 20 anchor points bunched together and resemble something similar to the attached image. 2013-10-17-17-18-11.jpg

I have attached the script so far.

Thank you


Views: 1397


Replies to This Discussion

I've got the same problem with a complex membrane structure and 125points.





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